
"Kids love me. They can't help themselves. Some may try to resist at first, but ultimately they fold like the strollers they rode in on. Maybe they appreciate the fact that I am more than willing to make a perfect fool of myself just for a smile. Maybe they actually enjoy my renditions of 'The Wheels on the Bus' and 'Itsy Bitsy Spider'. Maybe they respect the fact that I know the difference between Bob the Builder and Thomas the Train and have an opinion of Steve's replacement on Blue's Clues. I can distinguish a princess from a tomboy at a hundred paces and know how to act around each. I can sense when a twelve year old is way too cool for the whole family photo thing, in which case I admit I am not above offering a small cash bribe. The result of all this know-how, of course, is a memorable series of images of your little angel, smiling his or her "real" smile, not the fake one, but the spontaneous one that makes your heart melt every single time."

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