New England Dispute Resolution: New England's #1 Dispute Resolution Provider
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Dispute resolution with NEDR is a cost-effective alternative to litigation

Fee Schedule

Base Fee: $450 per party, for up to two hours devoted by a Neutral to an ADR Procedure ($850 in the case of a three-member arbitration tribunal), payable two weeks in advance of the ADR Procedure. A late penalty of $50 will be assessed for payments received more than (five)-business days after hearing date.

Overtime: (a) $200 per party per hour of Neutral case time ($425 in the case of a three-member arbitration tribunal); and (b) $200 per hour, shared equally by the parties, for overtime attributable to travel by a Neutral in excess of one hour.

Postponement Fees: (a) $150 for a party solely responsible for a postponement between two and ten business days (inclusive) before the scheduled ADR Procedure, (b) $250 for a party solely responsible for a postponement one business day or less before the scheduled ADR Procedure (in all cases shared equally if more than one party is responsible for the postponement, or if the parties cannot agree on the party responsible).

Cancellation Fees: (a) a $150 Administrative Fee, plus expenses, for a party solely responsible for a cancellation over ten business days before the scheduled ADR Procedure. (b) $250 or 60% of the ADR Procedure Fee (whichever is greater), plus expenses, for a party solely responsible for a cancellation between two & ten business days (inclusive) before the scheduled ADR Procedure. (c) The entire ADR Procedure Fee, plus expenses, for a party solely responsible for a cancellation one business day or less before the scheduled ADR Procedure (in all cases shared equally if the parties cannot agree on the party responsible). Notwithstanding the foregoing, all parties are deemed responsible for a cancellation resulting from a settlement.

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