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About Ann Elkington

Ann’s use of color and light give her illustrative and documentary photographs an unusual depth and attraction.

She began her professional photography career in Scranton, Pennsylvania, as part of an historic preservation effort in that city in conjunction with the American Institute of Architects.

Her photographs appear regularly in Blueprints, the journal of the National Building Museum. She has collaborated with that museum on two books: Building Blocks, A Manual for Design Teachers and DAP13--A Tribute to Shigeru Ban. She has also recently published an alphabet of photographs: A as in Anchor.

Ann is currently working with the Armed Forces Retirement Home (formerly known as The Soldiers Home) documenting this historic 300 acre property in Washington, DC.

Individual owners of Ann’s work include the Japanese architect Shigeru Ban; Timothy Cox, COO of the Armed Forces Retirement Home; Jeremy Hopkins, CEO, Maryland Yacht Delivery; Edmund Worthy, former VP for Education, National Building Museum; Martin Skelton, Co-founder, Fieldwork Education Services (London); Whole Foods, Annapolis; and the law offices of Alvin J. Lorman.

Born in Pennsylvania, Ann earned a BFA from the Pennsylvania State University and furthered her studies at Manchester Poly (now the Manchester Metropolitan University) in the UK.
Ann lives in Washington, DC.

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Image and content ©Ann Elkington 2010