tarlight dedicated volunteers donate countless hours and enrich the lives of thousands of children and their families. These wonderful Volunteers give us their valuable time by undergoing the formal Wish Granter's Training Program, helping us in the office or working at Events.
Whether spending time with children in the Starlight Sites, taking an active part in the wish granting program, or assisting with local or national fundraising efforts, our volunteers add joy and enthusiasm to the Starlight Children's Foundation family. Through their caring, generosity and financial support, they richly contribute to the success of our children's charity.
Starlight volunteers are integral to our programs. Our volunteers are part of a team, networking with one another, sharing ideas and resources. They frequently respond beyond the call of duty. They truly are our fairy godmothers and godfathers!
Interested in getting involved with the Starlight Children's Foundation?
It takes very little to make an enormous impact on the lives of seriously ill children. Whether you're interested in working with the children, planning fundraising activities, donating money or simply coming to any of our can't miss events...
Interested in helping? Download a volunteer form that you can fax back to us. You can also download a form to sign up for our evening volunteer orientation sessions. (These forms are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.)
Or, you can simply fill out the information below and we will add you to our mailing list for all upcoming events and/or get you a volunteer form. Thanks again for your interest in the Starlight Children's Foundation.