Photograph by Jonathan Young
Is Pilates right for me?
Whatever your age, body-type or fitness level, you can benefit from Pilates. Most exercises are low impact and only partially weight bearing, and all can be adapted to your individual needs and abilities. As with any exercise program, you should consult with your physician before starting a Pilates program, and be sure to share with your instructor any medical issues you may have.
How should I get started?
Private lessons provide the ultimate motivation and personal attention for your first workout. We offer an Introductory Special for four private sessions; this is an excellent way to prepare to take the small group training on equipment. It may not be appropriate for everyone to take groups, your instructor will help you determine this during your private intro-sessions.
What are the basic principles of Pilates?
All Pilates exercises incorporate the control and fluidity of movement, connection to breathing, alignment of the bones related to good posture and the balance of the muscles around the joints.
What should I wear?
Wear comfortable clothing that allows free movement and that are not overly baggy. We need to be able to correct your form to make sure you are executing each exercise safely and properly. No shoes in the studio please.
Is Pilates ok if I have an injury?
Always seek medical attention if you are in pain. After your medical professional gives you guidelines for exercise, we will be able to incorporate those guidelines to develop a safe and effective exercise program.
How are the equipment small groups different then the mat classes offered in many gyms?
Both are based on the basic principals related to good posture. But our state-of-the-art Pilates equipment uses spring resistance that gives you better results and a full-body workout. The equipment can adapt to make the exercises easier or add more of a challenge depending on your goal. We also limit our groups to four students to ensure you are monitored for safety and effectiveness of the exercises
How often should I do Pilates?
Two to three times a week is ideal, though even once a week can be beneficial, especially if you can practice at home between sessions.