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Pre-Ride Events

The Keiser Power Pacing Bike show here was donated by Keiser Corporation for this year's Positive Spin raffle (>specifications).

A spinning class is scheduled at The Longfellow Club in Wayland on Saturday, April 26th, 8:30 - 9:30 am at The Longfellow Club, Wayland MA where you can either just take the class for $10, or pay $25 and get the class and get in the raffle for the Keiser bike. Anyone who is interested in participating in the class should call The Longfellow Club at 508-358-7355 and ask for Teresa Newton-Moineau, the club's Group Exercise Director. She will be leading the class.

We will announce the winner of the Keiser Power Pacing bike at the ride on Sunday May 18.

More spin classes are planned; check back at this Web site for details.

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